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妆组词组二年级下册英语(Make up Your Mind Learning Makeup Vocabulary in Grade Two)
陌若安生* 2023-08-27 14:18:41 百科达人880Make up Your Mind: Learning Makeup Vocabulary in Grade Two
Getting Started with Makeup Vocabulary
As a grade two student, you may be familiar with simple English words like “apple” or “happy”, but do you know any makeup vocabulary yet? It’s important to expand your vocabulary in this area if you want to communicate effectively with people who love makeup. Here are some basic makeup vocabulary words that you should know:
- Lipstick (n.): a cosmetic product that is applied to the lips to add color and texture.
- Mascara (n.): a cosmetic product that is used to darken, thicken and/or lengthen eyelashes.
- Blush (n.): a cosmetic product that is applied to the cheeks to add color.
- Eyeliner (n.): a cosmetic product that is applied around the eyes to define their shape.
- Foundation (n.): a cosmetic product used to even out skin tone and create a smooth base for makeup.
Building your Makeup Vocabulary Knowledge
Now that you’ve learned some basic makeup vocabulary words, it’s time to expand your knowledge. Here are some more advanced words that you can learn:
- Highlighter (n.): a cosmetic product that is applied to high points of the face to add radiance and dimension.
- Contour (v.): the act of using makeup to create shadows and highlights on the face to enhance certain features.
- Bronzer (n.): a cosmetic product that is applied to the face to create a sun-kissed look.
- Eyeshadow (n.): a cosmetic product that is applied to the eyelids to add color and depth to the eyes.
- Setting Spray (n.): a cosmetic product that is sprayed on the face after makeup application to help it last longer.
Putting Your Makeup Vocabulary into Practice
Now that you’ve built up your makeup vocabulary, it’s time to practice using it! Try creating simple sentences using the words you’ve learned so far. For example:
- Today, I’m wearing red lipstick to school.
- My mom always puts on mascara before leaving the house.
- I love adding blush to my cheeks for a rosy glow.
- My sister is amazing at applying eyeliner; she always gets the perfect wing.
- I never leave the house without applying foundation first.
Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep using your new makeup vocabulary words and you’ll become an expert in no time.
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