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Huawei Default Opening Method Change
With the increasing popularity and usage of Huawei devices, it is essential to have an understanding of how to customize the default opening method. By default, Huawei devices have specific applications that are set to open files of specific types. However, users can choose to change this method to their desired opening method. This article provides a practical guide on how to change the default opening method on your Huawei device.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1: View Default Apps
The first step is viewing the default applications that are set to open files of specific types. To do this:
- Go to the Settings app on your Huawei device and click on Apps & notifications.
- Next, click on the App information option, and you will see a list of all installed apps on your device.
- Click on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen and select Default apps from the drop-down menu.
- You will see a list of default apps that are set to open files of specific types.
Step 2: Change Default App
The next step is changing the default app to your desired opening method:
- Select the file type whose default opening method you want to change and click on the app currently set as the default method.
- Choose your preferred application from the list of available apps. If the app you want to use is not on the list, click on the “Set as default” option and choose the app from the list of installed apps on your device.
- Finally, click on the “Open by default” option and select “Clear defaults”. This clears the default settings for this app, allowing you to always choose how to open files of this type in the future.
Step 3: Test the New Opening Method
The last step is to test the newly changed opening method:
- Try opening the file type whose default opening method you have just changed to ensure that the new method you have set will be used.
- If the new opening method does not work as expected, repeat steps one and two to change the app or clear the default settings and choose another method.
Customizing your default opening method can be vital in ensuring that the apps you prefer are the ones that always open specific files. With the outlined guide, changing the default opening method on your Huawei device is easy and straightforward. Following the steps above should enable you to modify the default opening method on any Huawei device effortlessly.
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