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Malta, an island country located in the Mediterranean Sea, has been a strategic location for centuries due to its proximity to major trade routes. The country's ports have played an essential role in the island's economic development, serving as gateways for trade and tourism. In this article, we will explore the different ports in Malta and their role in the country's economy and tourism industry.
The Grand Harbour
The Grand Harbour, situated in Valletta, is one of the largest and deepest natural harbours in the world. It has played a significant role in Malta's history, dating back to the Phoenician and Roman times. Today, the harbour is a busy commercial port, handling container ships, cruise liners, and ferries. The Grand Harbour Cruise Port is one of the major ports in the Mediterranean, welcoming over 700,000 cruise passengers annually. It serves as a hub for cruise ships visiting the region, with easy access to other ports in the Mediterranean such as Barcelona, Venice, and Athens.
Marsaxlokk Harbour
Marsaxlokk is a fishing village located on the southeastern coast of Malta. Its harbour is the largest fishing port in the country and serves as a hub for the local fishing industry. The port boasts a long history, dating back to the Phoenician times, and today it also serves as a commercial port. The harbour is home to a large number of fishing vessels, and it's a popular spot for tourists to visit and take colourful photos of the boats and the traditional luzzu fishing boats, which are painted in bright colours and adorned with \"eyes\" for good luck. Marsaxlokk Harbour is also a popular spot for locals and tourists to dine on fresh seafood at one of the many restaurants lining the harbour.
Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal
Located in the northern tip of Malta, the Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal is the main point of entry for tourists visiting Malta's sister island, Gozo. There are regular ferry services departing from Cirkewwa to Gozo, which is a popular day-trip destination for tourists. The ferry journey takes around 20 minutes, and the terminal is well-connected to the rest of the island by bus services. The terminal also serves as a gateway for tourists visiting the Blue Lagoon, a popular swimming spot located on the nearby island of Comino.
In conclusion, the ports in Malta play a vital role in the country's economy and tourism industry. The Grand Harbour, Marsaxlokk Harbour, and Cirkewwa Ferry Terminal are some of the major ports in the country, each serving a unique purpose. Whether you're a tourist arriving on a cruise liner or a local fisherman bringing in your catch of the day, Malta's ports offer a warm welcome to everyone.
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