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Bring on the wine! The banquet must begin!
By day the emperor rides abroad with his retinue;
But all night the general camps in a foreign land.
Lucky that there are rivers and lakes to delight him,
And loyal friends and brothers-in-arms to carouse with.
Let him wrap himself in a heavy robe,
Or dance with his short sword and his queer cap.
Let him thunder about in a stately carriage,
Or squat singlehanded in some obscure hovel.
Let him drink and never stop drinking,
This man of the western frontier, surveying his domain.
The First Paragraph: The Drinking Party Begins
“Bring on the wine! The banquet must begin!” The first line of the poem sets the tone for the entire piece, signaling the poet’s intention to drink and revel in the company of friends. In this first paragraph, the poet celebrates the camaraderie of drinking, a common practice in Chinese culture. He compares himself to the emperor, who rides with his retinue during the day, but who disappears at night. The poet, on the other hand, is like a general who camps in a foreign land, surrounded by loyal friends and brothers-in-arms with whom he can carouse into the early morning hours. He revels in this sense of community, expressing the belief that drinking and carousing with friends is an essential part of life that must be celebrated.
The Second Paragraph: Exploring the World
In the second paragraph, the poet shifts his focus to the world around him. He revels in the beauty of rivers and lakes, which he finds to be delightful and inspiring. He celebrates the freedom to explore he finds in the natural world, free from the constraints of daily life. The poet’s love for nature is evident in his choice of words, which are lush and evocative. He compares himself to an eagle soaring through the sky, surveying his domain with a keen eye for detail. This sense of freedom is essential to the poet’s sense of self, and he revels in its possibilities.
The Third Paragraph: The Joy of Drinking
The final paragraph of the poem focuses on the sheer joy of drinking itself. The poet revels in the feel of the wine in his mouth, the sensation of being slightly drunk, and the sense of camaraderie that comes from sharing a bottle with others. He encourages his readers to follow his example, to throw off the shackles of polite society, and to celebrate life with all its pleasures. For the poet, drinking is not just a pastime but a way of life, an expression of his essential nature.
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