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The Red River Flows, a Full English Translation
The Red River Flows, also known as “Manjiang Hong” in Chinese, is a famous poem written by the Chinese poet, revolutionary, and statesman Zhu De in the early 1930s. The poem reflects the turbulent state of mind of the Chinese people at that time, having endured years of war, famine, and social unrest. Here is a full English translation of the poem.
Part 1: The Beginning of the Poem
The red river flows, its waves glowing scarlet, A heroic spirit soars beyond the clouds. The three cliffs are steep, the five ridges rugged, Yet, once conquered, the land is paradise. A river of blood, a field of bones, A nation perishes, heaven and earth weep. Mountains of knives, seas of fire, Forever burnt into my memory.
This part of the poem sets the tone for what’s to come – the juxtaposition of beauty and tragedy. The river is described as glowing scarlet, yet it’s a symbol of bloodshed and destruction. The heroism and perseverance of the Chinese people is also a central theme of the poem.
Part 2: The Middle of the Poem
The sun shines on the majestic Yellow River, The Yangtze River surges like a dragon. With towering mountains and vast waters, It’s the land of the dragon, the pride of the nation. The enemy rampages, the people fight back, With unity and determination, victory is certain. The land is expansive, the people are brave, Nothing can break the will of the nation.
Part two of the poem amplifies the theme of pride and patriotism, detailing the natural beauty and strength of the Chinese nation. However, it also acknowledges the difficult history of invasion and resistance.
Part 3: The End of the Poem
The red river flows, a new nation is born, A world of equality and justice on the horizon. The people are united, their hearts beat as one, The revolution resounds throughout the land. With the goal of serving the people, The heroes of the revolution forge ahead. From the ruins of the old, a new world emerges, A bright future for the Chinese nation.
The final part of the poem speaks to a hopeful future, fueled by the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people. The poem itself served as a call to action in the face of adversity, inspiring generations of Chinese people to persevere and remain steadfast in the face of challenges.
Overall, the Red River Flows is a powerful and meaningful poem that reflects the complex and often difficult history of China during the early 20th century. It’s a testament to the resilience and strength of the Chinese people, and remains an important piece of literature in China today.
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