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2021 English CET-4 Phrase Collection
Phrases for Daily Communication
As a college student, it's essential to have a variety of English phrases at your fingertips when communicating with others. Here are some common phrases you might hear in daily conversation:
- How's it going? - Used to greet someone and ask how they are doing.
- What's up? - Similar to \"how's it going?\" used as a casual greeting.
- Long time no see! - Used when you haven't seen someone in a while.
- What do you do for a living? - A way to ask about someone's occupation.
- Hang in there - A phrase of encouragement or support.
- Nice to see you - A polite way to greet someone.
- Take care - Used to say goodbye and wish someone well.
- See you later - A casual way to say goodbye.
- Sorry I am late - A common apology when you arrive after the agreed-upon time.
- It's on me - A way to offer to pay for someone's food or drink.
Phrases for Academic Writing
As a CET-4 student, you will be required to write papers on a variety of topics. Here are some phrases that will help you write more clearly and cohesively:
- According to - A way to introduce information or data from a source.
- Furthermore - Used to add additional information to support a point.
- In conclusion - A way to signal that you are wrapping up your argument.
- On the other hand - Used to introduce an alternative viewpoint or to contrast ideas.
- Therefore - A word indicating the logical conclusion of a statement or argument.
- Nevertheless - A signal that acknowledges a contrasting view but ultimately supports your own position.
- Moreover - Used to add more information to support an argument or point.
- Conversely - A way to introduce a contrary point or a different perspective.
- Thus - A word indicating the conclusion that follows logically from previous statements.
- While it is true that... - A way to acknowledge an opposing point while still advocating for your own point.
Phrases for Job Interviews
When you are interviewing for a job, you want to make a good impression. Here are some phrases that can help you communicate effectively:
- Tell me about yourself - An open-ended question that allows you to discuss your background and experience.
- Why do you want to work here? - A way to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the company.
- What are your strengths/weaknesses? - A question that allows you to showcase your skills and self-awareness.
- Where do you see yourself in five years? - A way to demonstrate your career goals and aspirations.
- Can you tell me about a time when...? - A behavioral interview question that asks you to give an example of a previous experience.
- What are your salary expectations? - A way to discuss your salary needs and expectations.
- How do you handle conflict? - A way to demonstrate your interpersonal skills and ability to navigate difficult situations.
- What makes you the best candidate for the job? - A question that allows you to explain why you are the ideal candidate for the position.
- When can you start? - A question that confirms your availability and willingness to begin work.
- Do you have any questions for us? - An invitation to ask any remaining questions you have about the position or the company.
By knowing and practicing these common phrases, you can improve your communication skills in a variety of settings. Use them to express yourself clearly and make a lasting impression.
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