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英雄联盟周免为什么用不了(Why Can't We Use Free Rotation Champions in League of Legends )
jk 2023-06-01 11:17:40 综合百科73Introduction
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has been out for over 10 years, with a constantly evolving meta and a regular release of new champions that keep the game fresh and interesting. In addition to playing and buying champions, players also have the chance to try new champions through the weekly rotation of free champions. However, there are instances where players are not able to access these free champions during their weekly rotation. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why and what we can do about it.
Reasons Why We Can't Use Free Rotation Champions
There are several reasons why players may not be able to access free rotation champions:
1. High Ban Rate
Free rotation champions that have a high ban rate in ranked games may be temporarily removed from the free rotation. This is to prevent players from trying to use these champions in ranked games, leading to a higher chance of the champion being banned and a waste of free rotation for other players.
2. Newly Released Champions
Newly released champions may not be immediately available in the free rotation. This is to encourage players to buy and try the new champion, as Riot Games (the developer of LoL) wants to promote their new release.
3. Technical Issues
In rare cases, there may be technical issues with the game that prevent players from accessing certain champions during their free rotation. This can include server issues, patches, or bugs.
What Can We Do About It?
There are a few things players can do to ensure they have access to their desired free rotation champions:
1. Keep an Eye on the Champion Rotation
Players can keep an eye on the champion rotation schedule to see which champions will be available in the coming weeks. This will allow them to plan ahead and potentially purchase a champion they are interested in trying if it is not available in the free rotation.
2. Check the Champion's Ban Rate
If a player is interested in trying a champion with a high ban rate, they should check the champion's ban rate in ranked games. If the ban rate is consistently high, the player may need to wait until the champion's popularity decreases before it becomes available in the free rotation.
3. Contact Riot Games
If a player is experiencing technical issues preventing them from accessing a free rotation champion, they can contact Riot Games' support team through their website. The support team can assist with resolving any technical issues that may be preventing access to the champion.
Free rotation champions are a great way for players to try new champions and expand their playstyle. However, there are instances where players may not be able to access certain champions during their free rotation. By understanding the reasons why and taking steps to plan ahead or reach out to Riot Games' support team, players can ensure they have access to the champions they want to try.
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